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Camp de See results about shoes leadership West island college's student leaders were invited back to school early on tuesday, august 23rd, to participate in a leadership camp organized by mr.Reid.Our student leaders run our house council, wicaa(West island college athletic association), Graduation Committee, Interact Club and Yearbook Committee. After an icebreaker/warmup, the group had some leadership training, and then applied their skills to prepare for the arrival of the secondary i's, the class of 2016.Our student leaders buddied up home page with the new members of the school on their first day and helped them familiarize themselves with the school(Tours), and high school life and routine, such as lockers and locks and tying ties. Les leaders tudiants du collge de l'ouest de l'le ont t invits au collge ds le 23 aot pour France Pas Cher Christian Louboutin Pumps Soldes participer au camp de leadership organis par m.Read.Nos leaders tudiants sont responsables des conseils de maison, du wicaa(West island college athletic association), du comit des finissants, du club Interact et du comit de l'album. Aprs avoir bris la glace et s'tre chauffs, le groupe a reu une formation en leadership et l'a ensuite mise en pratique l'arrive des 1re secondaires, la classe de 2016.Nos leaders tudiants ont fait connaissance avec les nouveaux du collge et les ont aids se familiariser avec l'cole(Visite)Et aussi avec louboutin la routine du secondaire incluant les casiers, les cadenas et bien sr, les nuds de cravate!

